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From the Untitled War Series

50cm x 40cm

In the representation of battles there is a convention of depicting discarded objects. Often these are the debris of warfare - scimitars, gas canisters, spears, small arms etc., but also hats, letters, domestic objects and work tools – items selected to signify non-war. The series is constructed of over a hundred of these objects. Its unity is challenged/confused by the range of artistic styles and the variety of cultures that the objects refer to. It’s not the action of fighting that I’m trying to deal with but the state of being at war, albeit from a great distance…. or perhaps the long pause before war starts. I/we seem to be in an extended state of both.
C C Clare Charnley

Muscles, a collaboration with performance artist Lisa Watts

The Translation

Przemówienie/Speech Clare Charnley and Magda Sowierszenko

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