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Ghost in the Machine - by T.R.I.P.O.D.

By  Katy Beinart 2012

1-2 hours

Ghost in the Machine is a performance that sends up the panoptic spatial practices of contemporary riot policing. Held in formation by riot headgear-turned-architecture, and thrust upwards on killer heels, the three of us function as a human tripod for a camera too high for surveillance. This work playfully probes the ways in which political demonstrations in the public realm are challenged, conditioned and contained, and highlights how the spatial itself is at stake in urban political confrontations. A performance by T.R.I.P.O.D. - Katy Beinart, Leah Lovett and Helen Rawling.
prettier-ignore-start Qng5dbzn0ubjlyndgaung prettier-ignore-end Katy Beinart

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