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Haptic Skin

By  Anna F Hughes 2019
(Full version: 5mins) I’m desperate to feel something, but not just anything, in fact, often I want to feel less in order to feel something better. With gloves on, our hands are protected, whether it is from harmful substances or from cold weather conditions. Often gloves give us a feeling of safety, but perhaps for some they give pleasure. If we could grow a second skin, a protective, different skin, a skin that goes beyond ‘nature’, naturalism and its rigid binaries, perhaps we could take on a subjecthood that worries less about being an essential human. For those who have ever been made to feel alienated, those who feel chronic pain, perhaps we need to develop a better mode of feeling, a haptic referral from screen to body, opening up alternative sensations that transform ourselves into whatever we desire.
prettier-ignore-start Sick Waves 1716726715 prettier-ignore-end Anna F Hughes

Swan Sculpture

Vulgar in Chaos


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