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Hardy Tree

A drawing from a collaborative project titled 'Sometime, In a Churchyard' inspired by St.Pancras Old Churchyard in London. This is a drawing of the Hardy Tree which is an Ash tree surrounded by gravestones at the base of its trunk. This tree was planted and the gravestones resited around it when the bodies and stones in the part of a larger burial ground were moved to make way for the construction of the railway from St Pancras Station. Thomas Hardy was employed by a firm of Architects and he was tasked to manage this operation. On Boxing Day 2022 this Ash Tree was blown down. It was according to reports diseased and aged. I went to see the tree now laying on the ground on 28 December 2022. It was quite a sight to see.
prettier-ignore-start B6ph0vuuqfjsezfbh9pg prettier-ignore-end Charlotte Harker

The Novel and other Incidents

Never a Dull Moment - Representing the Familiar - Drawings from Pinner


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