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I am The System

You cross borders. You cross mintal attitudes. You can’t remain in one place. Sometimes you cross so you’ll live better, looking for a better job, a place where you’ll feel better, maybe sometimes you’ll even cross to go where loves calls you. Other times you are pushed from behind, chased away by wars, dictatorships or natural disasters. Even when you think you’re staying in one place, when you extract yourself from the present and isolate yourself in your own private world, refusing to leave your city, your house or your space for years in a row, you are still a fish scale that moves along with the fish it clings to. And that constantly moving fish is time.
prettier-ignore-start Qzslmblytecmtocboyafqw prettier-ignore-end Daniel Balanescu

Sa coloram un Balanescu

emotion tickets

collective portrait of today’s society

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