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Ideological Dialect , January 2017

By  JMC Anderson 2017
Ideological Dialect is a collection of creatives past and present ideas, fantasies and enquires that I have curated. The aim of the exhibition is to realise how language can become a form. In this exhibition form is questioned through textual information, its display, conversation and distribution. Typography being the main form of language within Ideological Dialect, the magazine is the exhibition where the form of language hovers between the non existence and the being that can also be seen recti ed within the artists texts as they both describe, locate and list propositions. Ideological Dialect explores the in between notion of language and text. It manifests and questions what could be. The exchange of information allows the artists to think and preserve ideas through the very act of documenting linguistic thoughts and through the magazine it becomes a stream of conscious thoughts. This is explored further throughout the time of the exhibition where planned conversations with invited guests reopens and repositions the artists ideas where language once again becomes a figment of the imagination. These conversations are documented and act as the reversible and tangible state of mind towards language. Its state of goes from a figment of the imagination to the physical and back again. The very building itself is used to expose these ideas to the passer-by. The window acts as a barrier between content and form thus the small space within allows language to also question further the functional and material discourse. Imposing and separating the idea of language and the visual text. You start to encounter a self awareness. The physical exhibition is temporal leaving the magazine as the source of linguistic and ideological information.
prettier-ignore-start Zbehfm5kqkyep6empabakw prettier-ignore-end JMC Anderson

Gibberish 1.0

Construction (St Marys Works Residency/Exhibition)

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