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Illustrated regional guides to Scotland and Wales.

Installation 960cm x 280cm

These photographic documents were intended to feature as part of a travel guide designed to accompany the walker or cyclist throughout Wales and Scotland. This illustrated publication was to be bound in book form and entitled: Illustrated Regional Guides to Scotland and Wales. Unfortunately distribution of the guide had to be halted immediately following the printing of the first edition due to what the publisher termed 'factual inaccuracies'. These were discovered within the photographic illustrations and their accompanying captions. The possibility of a second edition has been discussed, however due to budget constraints this seems unlikely. Presented here is the original draft layout for the Guides, the photographs and captions have been unbound and articulated spatially on the gallery wall. This is to highlight for the viewer the factual inconsistency that prevented the distribution of the Guides to booksellers. It is of great disappointment to the publishers that this title is not currently available to the public, ultimately it has been proven that photography is too unreliable a medium and not thoroughly tested. They are considering returning to the use of engravings to illustrate any future editions.
Aeqcv65ap0ic6wrccwl6aa Freddy Griffiths

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