"In-between" photo-series
James Sewell
- Photography
- Live Art
- Personal Narratives & Identity
- Health & Wellness
- Heritage & Archives
- Spiritual & Philosophical
- Body
- Embodiment
- physicality
- Embodied
- Embodied Practice
- Embodied Somatic Practice
- Somatic Practice
- Jump
- Movement
- Performance
- Feminist Art
- Liminal Space
This project is a response to and a and means of processing a period of intense anxiety and psychosis that manifested in a distorted perception of the artists body, space and sky above.
This project brings together the themes of female anxiety, feminist history and the persecution of women. This photo series took place at locations of historical, personal and cultural significance as listed below.
1. Close to the grave of Lilias Adie, a woman accused of witchcraft and killed. Her grave is at the shore line, an in-between place, between the water and earth at Torryburn beach, Fife, Scotland.
2. The chapel at the Salpetriere hospital, Paris. This is the site of the historical hysteria wards where hundreds of individuals, mostly women, were committed against their will and studied.
3. The site of the witch trials on the West coast of Scotland.
The project title makes reference to my body situated in-between the earth and sky and also the liminal nature of the shoot locations.
When visiting these locations, I experienced extreme anxiety which manifested in a somatic sensation. The act of jumping relieved this.
For me, the act of jumping feels vulnerable but is full of intention and as such, empowerment. The visual motifs and metaphor of the clouds/sky/earth speak to ideas of fear and safety.
James Sewell