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'In-between-ness' (2010-2013), Karen Heald, Susan Liggett, Richard Tranter, Rob Poole, Catherine A. Robinson.

By  Karen Heald 2016
In-between-ness: Using art to capture changes to the self during anti-depressant treatment was an Art and Science Research and Development project, funded by the Arts Council of Wales and the North Wales Clinical School Research Grant (2010-2014). Through this research the collaborators Dr Richard Tranter, (Consultant Psychiatrist), Professor Rob Poole, (Professor of Social Psychiatry and Co-Director of the Centre for Mental Health and Society, UK), GP surgeries, and artist Susan Liggett and myself explored if patient changes were reflected in the way people express themselves and respond to their environment prior, during and post antidepressant medication. In addition to the aims of the psychiatrists, as artists, Susan and I were keen to explore the role of preverbal language and creativity for patients navigating the ‘in-between-ness’ from depression to recovery through the creative use of video cameras. The artworks, with consent, have been displayed in exhibitions, discussed at conferences and formed part of an artist’s books made collaboratively between the artists and the participants.
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'7qADV - Cycle (detail)' (2010) Karen Heald, Elizia Volkmann, London.

'Lateral Flight' (detail) (2014) Karen Heald, Angela Davies, Angela Kornecka, Golau, Chirk Castle, Wales. ACW funded.

'The Box' (2006) Bird-Jones & Heald, GIG gallery, Sydney, Australia.

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