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In the locker room

By  Kathleen Fox 2007

Kathleen Fox

A series of drawings (A1) using thin paint, turps and charcoal. Making use of the 16th and 17th century conceit in anatomical diagrams, the innards of the central figure are revealed by folding back the flesh of the abdomen, much like the curtains in a theatre are lifted to reveal the drama (of flesh) involving the suspension of disbelief. Drawing No 1 occurred in an automatic fashion, by applying thinned oil paint on paper in random strokes, and drawing directly onto the marks with no pre-considered idea of what was to follow. The series then emerged in sequence following the thread of the idea laid down by the first drawing.
Ikfqhd9ypkow3fcfe8tkra Kathleen Fox

Icarus Falls Again

Those are pearls that were his eyes.


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