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In the requisition of the ephemeral: intervention still #3

By  Gary James Williams 2018 - 2019
In the requisition of the ephemeral: interventions, is a series of photographic works that refines and redefines the context of the ephemeral and its realisation in contemporary art practice. Working through an ongoing explorative archive of incidental and transient occurrences, this series investigates the immediacy of the moment that is captured, processed and developed. The accountability of the transient event through memory then cultivates a regenerative creative methodology. In which, the original photograph is developed further to find an expanded depiction of the transient event in terms of time, space and duration. This process intentionally considers and augments the context of the event, the photographic image and the documentative, in the attempt to conceive an evolving abstraction of everyday reality. As a result, the subject of the ephemeral mediates and defines perspective and negotiates the value of our interpretation, chance, the coincidental and the idea of ambiguity in perceiving a valid representation of the world and that of the photographic image. Digital C-type photographic print on crystal archive paper. Edition of 10.
prettier-ignore-start Glpioblysk6rshan3vsbjq prettier-ignore-end Gary James Williams

In the requisition of the ephemeral: intervention still #9

Public art proposal: Levenshulme, Manchester 2014. maquette: mixed media

'monument to the homeless'

'Constructing a narrative'

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