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Inaudible Recital

By  Caro Williams 2007

Installation 195 x 400cm

voice recordings, Emily Dickinson poem, sound vessels created from sound bands generated by spoken words translated into clear acrylic characters, shelved plaques, black white flat acrylic paint 1950mm x 1200mm each plaque / Installation 1950mm x 4000mm Inaudible Recital is another translation of a poem. In this instance the poem has been recited by three speakers from different parts of the world, each with a distinct accent. These translations represent the same poem spoken in English – so the differences are between accents – from left Czech, English and New Zealand. This work consists of what I call sound vessels. These small vessel-like objects take their form from the sound waves generated by recordings of spoken words. So each vessel represents a word. I think of these sound vessels as visual records of the sound they embody something like containers of sound or perhaps even solidified sound itself. This idea reflects the notion that the shape and material of an object represents a frozen sound potential.
Ixoiwlp5ewifzjt4ot2xw Caro Williams

A Pause of Suspension

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Spinning Poem

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