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interlace (development work)

By  Jim Lockey 2020
During 2020, I am focussed on research and deepening the level of development for future projects. I am currently researching Beowulf and surrounding anglo-saxon poetry and art. Interlace is a hallmark of this period, a method of image making and writing which upsets linear reading of an image (also present in their literature) . I've been considering how I might introduce this methodology into my practice and using the instagram grid as a medium to bring the ideas into a contemporary context - so as to resist mere imitation. As development works, these images could be seen as an elevated form of sketchbook practice, and perhaps that best describes them. However embracing the use and constrictions of a social media platform as a means of dissemination has been instructive for me as I consider how COVID-19 affects the process of making art.
S1dkbhb2beqtvtrcvffffw Jim Lockey

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