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Internal and external at once

By  Erin Donnelly 2023

Elena Grace

Internal and external at once Chinese Rice paper, pencil, emulsion paint 480 x 280 cm ATPs Aluminium, UV print 388 x 107 x 18 cm, 325 x 107 x 18 cm Anti-trespass structures are usually found on train platforms to prevent people from going onto the tracks. They are low down and while spiked, they can easily be crossed and are therefore more suggestive of a warning than an actual barrier. The anti-trespass structures block off one of the rooms in the gallery, an intervention in the space which imposes distance and shifts the way in which the work is viewed. The hostile design is paired with domestic imagery of the same room presented from two different viewpoints. This was done to explore the idea of exposure from opposing vantage points - being watched and watching, ideas of perceived danger and an awareness of being on view in a domestic or otherwise personal space when it is dark and the lights are on.

Elena Grace

Elena Grace

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