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Irrelevant Landscapes

Short outtake from audiovisual work 'Irrelevant Landscapes', created in 2019 by Helena Hamilton. All footage has been digitally generated from the ‘point cloud generation’ of a photogrammetry scan of a piece of crumpled paper, all sound is composed from interactions with paper. Helena often uses everyday materials and objects as the subjects and inspiration of her work, her choice for doing this is championed by the idea that if we repeatedly challenge our assumptions and perception of the simple things in the world around us this will in turn shape how we interact and live in and with the world around us. Watch a short outtake here: “…by using critical thought in a discriminating way - it is possible to repeatedly correct our world view, and to discover new aspects of reality which are hidden to the common view. It is possible to discover the new.” Carlo Rovelli, Reality Is Not What It Seems This work has been made for large projection in an enclosed, blacked out space with audio played through stereo speakers. Duration: 13 min 20 sec
Nk6excpvh0607zhaccgfla Helena Hamilton

Archived interactions with 'The Butterflies in My Brain'

2 Month Residency in Tokyo (2016)

Untitled (With), Edition of 36

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