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Jazz Geometries 1-Exhibition, Winterbourne House and garden

Saranjit Birdi Exhibition title: ‘Jazz Geometries 1’ Winterbourne House and Garden See Video 1 for exhibition preview and Video 2 for 'Dancing to Singing in the Rain' improvised dance performance at Winterbourne House. Natural forms as well as musical forms, are based on geometries. Geometry in the basis for everything in the Universe. Architects, artists, scientists and mathematicians search for ‘truth’ about the universe, through geometry. But organic form is never rigid in its geometrical structures, life slips and slides around the underlying grid, creating variations on structure and theme, just like jazz music. This exhibition presents a series of new paintings, drawings and animation exploring the relationship between flora and jazz music. The works have been created whilst listening to jazz music, allowing the sound to offer insight and affect the visual marks made. Some have been created in the studio but most on site, observing plant forms at Winterbourne Garden. I have also encouraged five participants, from my ‘Painting to Music’ and ‘Sketching to Jazz’ sessions at the mac Birmingham and Eastside Studios in Digbeth, to exhibit works created from the gardens whilst listening to jazz. The participating artists are: Julie Kay, Jane Spence, Gary Johnson, Mark Rizk and Stephanie White. Saranjit Birdi 24 June 2017

Saranjit Birdi

Saranjit Birdi

Saranjit Birdi

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