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Jewels of the sea

By  Jane Ostler 2009

Jane Ostler

112cm x 224cm x 2cm

Diptych on the theme of a coral sea commissioned for a converted crab factory in Helmsdale, North East Scotland, UK. An octopus sits under an umbrella coral, bright fish swim around and the sun light feeds the corals, in a balanced ecology. While researching this picture I learned a lot about coral seas, and how nurseries growing corals are helping to counteract coral reefs under threat from pollution, over-fishing, and changes in sea chemistry and temperature. This picture is dedicated to those who try to conserve our natural heritage.

Jane Ostler

Jane Ostler

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At the drop of a hat : Maintaining decorum between land and sea

If you're not committed to anything you're just taking up space

Blossom Dance

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