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John, shattered & reflected

By  Pip Woolf 2018
From the series 'Someone loved" I first encountered John seemingly preoccupied by images of himself reflected in a spoon. Over subsequent visits he seemed repeatedly interested in his cutlery. At other times, he would frequently be gazing out of the windows. He often came to help me with my materials. John Gazes in spoons and at the distant view, always looking beyond. Who is John? Laughing at some inward joke Helping with my box of materials Squabbling over how to unroll the large paper with an arch enemy Painting with the Easter egg Showing other ways of being, working understanding Made on reclaimed toughened double glazed units, engraved and articulated with aluminium leaf with some shattered and stabilized panes.
E8n1gbqvckiz659ql6gl9q Pip Woolf

Water line (detail)

Days of my life

Days of my life, first year

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