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'landscape with snake and trees'

By  Helen Robertson 2012 - 2013

Helen Robertson

Here there is an interplay between a projected video loop of a woman walking naked in a bluebell wood, a reproduction of Poussin's Man Killed by a Snake (printed in black and white onto silk), a green net curtain and a suspended projector bound up in string. The video loop is projected upside down suggesting another reality. The hanging silk and curtain create a space for the viewer to move between as if to mimic the movement of the woman walking in and out of trees, here in an interior architectural space. The string is at once expressive as well as functional. The work plays with notions of Arcadia, sexual freedom/innocence and threat.

Helen Robertson

Helen Robertson

prettier-ignore-start Helen robertson chroma key 143600 prettier-ignore-end Helen Robertson

Eu referendum poster event 2016

'landscape' 2013

'depth' 2014

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