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By  TOM PEARMAN 2011 - 2012
Using imagery based upon historic postcards of Barry, Artist Tom Pearman has produced a series of artworks using the traditional medium of vitreous enamel. Arranging a montage of imagery to invent a series of landscapes, Tom has aimed to present the vibrant and often symbolic icons of Barry’s heritage in a way that reflects the lo-tech cutout paper model landscapes that were produced in the art workshops that Pearman undertook. The enamel panels have been commercially printed using 4-colour separation, and by doing so, celebrate the postcard printing industry and the various degrees of printing patterns that become evident when magnified. The arrangements of the foregrounds and backgrounds of the three large artworks represent imagery that is being projected onto a rectangular cinema screen. This reference to cinema is a direct celebration of the early C20th cinema that once stood on Thompson Street, 'Leon Vint's Electric Palace'. The smaller graphic panels aim to emphasis the cinematic process of cinematic light-projection, which is to first, turn the lights off, second, plug in the projector and third, switch the projector on. PROJECT WEBSITE :
Tom pearman brockley sign DSC 0649 a 850x754 1730976515 TOM PEARMAN



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