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Last day of my residency in care home

By  Ellen Bell 2018
The last day of my residency, brought to an abrupt halt following the new GDPR rules. I'm sad, it has been a rich and moving experience. I shall miss the residents, listening to their chatter, watching their idiosyncrasies play out before me and bearing witness to their graceful acquiescence. Yesterday's session was a warm one. I sat amongst the women, who talked amiably to me. One told me of her knitting and how she'd created a knitted image of the Rover's Return. I raffled it for Cancer, she said, it got a hundred pound. I'm lazy today, she said, next time you come I'll be doing something. She paused. A tea cosy, she said. However, the boundaries were blurred, uncertain. How much could I take away with me? How much could I actually document? Homes such as this one are rightly becoming more and more protective of their residents' privacy. I wanted to do good. It was authentic to me, art connecting with life as it is. No frills, in the raw, human. I am grateful for, and humbled by, the experience.
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