Letters to the Landscape
Title page from cinematic essay
- Film and Video
- Personal Narratives & Identity
- Abstract & Conceptual
- Heritage & Archives
- Place
- Place Based
- Placemaking
- Landscape
- History
- Memory
- Geography
- West Yorkshire
- Emily Bronte
- Walking
- Writing
- Mapping
- Deep Mapping
Approx. 35 minutes
Letters to the Landscape is an epistolary diaologue and travelogue exploring the relations between Brontë Country and Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights. The artist uses various strategies including polyphony, narrative, autobiography and the intimate. The essay incorporates postcards, letters, pinhole photography. digital photography, found images, found texts and Super 8.
Still from cinematic essay.
Still from cinematic essay.
Still from cinematic essay.
Still from cinematic essay.