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Lewis Carroll Centre

By  Christine Wilcox-Baker 2011 - 2012

Mick Orr

H230cm x W120cm x D6cm

The Lewis Carroll Centre is a purpose built extension to the Grade 2* All Saints' Church in Daresbury, Cheshire. I was commissioned as Artist and project co-ordinator to produce a number of pieces. This image shows the large scale brass and gold leafed steel door handles for the glass entrance doors. The imagery references Lewis Carroll's chidhood home being surrounded by 'seas of corn' which coupled with grapes & vine leaves represents the Eucharist. The materials bring together the old (existing Church) and the new (extension).

Mick Orr

Christine Wilcox-Baker

Christine Wilcox-Baker

Christine Wilcox-Baker

prettier-ignore-start Krkytunbtkw26ij4gkkr8w prettier-ignore-end Christine Wilcox-Baker

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