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Limin-Alley N.E.W

By  Charys Wilson 2022
Limin-Alley [North:East:West] "In this year’s Limin-Alley event we’re trying something N:E:W - Six artists have been selected to bring installations, artworks and imaginative new ideas to residential alleyways in the North, East and West of Belfast. N:E:W brings artists and artworks to the often neglected back alleyways of Belfast. The exhibitions celebrate and explore the potential of Belfast’s alleys as places for connection and rewilding in the city. Working in partnership with local residents of Marsden Gardens (north), Reid Street (east) and Rodney Drive (west) a range of events including talks, tours and workshops. Participating artists: Laura Nelson, Cameron Clarke, Dónal Billings, Charys Wilson, Corrina Askin and HiVis Witches." For this project my contribution was in the form of light boxes. These light boxes were built using discarded covid screens, solar lights, and recycled materials within of paper and cardboard to create the botanicals.

By Paul Marshall

By Meadbh McIlgorm

Di7v81il9umpx0qlcnnl0a Charys Wilson

Insects in a new light

Still Life I

Drawings III

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