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Longitudinal Geometry, 129.53 Miles Walked, Newcastle (Key)

Colin Davison

Longitudinal Geometry, 129.53 Miles Walked, Newcastle (2016) charts seven days walking north to south across an OS sheet map. By playfully and absurdly sticking as closely as possible to lines of longitude, Clewlow invites us to consider the nature of theoretical systems of measure and mapping. The meandering lines of circles in her own map chart the physical meeting of our real world roads, routes and rivers with the cold authority of the OS National Grid. Realised in complementary colours, these delicate forms dance across the surface of one painting, each one a waypoint, a moment of lived experience and a data point in a grander scheme.

Colin Davison

Colin Davison

6w7vwrsf70wrhlcfzizeq Rachael Clewlow

Seven Walks, Seven Gates in Seven Colours (Map)

Self Similarity #2

OS Explorer No.316 (Newcastle-Upon-Tyne July 2011)

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