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Mad as Hell

By  Steve Dutton 2022
This is a piece I made for an open submission billboard project. Unfortunately the piece made the short list but didn't get through the final selection. I still think its ok though so here it it. It consists of a text based work, one in landscape format and one in portrait made for public billboards. The works emerge out of an ongoing interest in language based art practices. The work conflates two key scenes of the seminal movie “Network” made in 1976, written by Paddy Chayefsky and directed by Sidney Lumet. I have grafted the two pieces of script together to make a double reading where there is a form of spell/incantation. I guess I want to somehow make linguistic forms which sit on the edges of what is happening in the world but also as a way of leaving this world, a way of claiming or making a space in which to speak, trying to out-chaos the chaos of the world in an almost dream like manner.
7rgf1i6xyesdkh0yqsz2mq Steve Dutton

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