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Manifest Five

By  Susan Banks 2018

60 x 60 x 4

A darker and more tonal development from Manifest Four, again the liminal space is both material and conceptual; it is the space between real/unreal, solid/nebulous and between “stuff” or abstractions. The painting hovers at the edge of “gestalt” or at the threshold of recognition. In this painted reality mathematical and other “inaccuracies” reflect that their referents are also paintings, here a reference to a possible physical structure, a Lararium, but also crucially a trompe l’oiel substitute. Oil paint on deep canvas.

Susan Banks

Susan Banks

Susan Banks

prettier-ignore-start Kfx5ikpxzuierpnrts0rla prettier-ignore-end Susan Banks

Mysteries Three

Mysteries Twelve

Hermes # 1

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