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Of Plants and Planets Paintings

By  Andrea Thoma 2019
This collaboration with Deborah Gardner involved an installation of paintings and sculptures and an artists’ book shown in the context of the group exhibition In the Open at Sheffield Institute of the Arts from 6th to 28th September 2017, which showcased collaborative projects focusing on ideas of place, landscape and the environment. The exhibition was associated with Cross Multi Inter Trans, the Biennial Conference of ASLE-UKI in conjunction with Land2, which took place from 6th to 8th September 2017 at Sheffield Hallam University. Gardner and Thoma presented the paper “Textures of place in context: from the far side of the moon to the immediacy of folded colour-space” reflecting on their collaboration. The work developed for Of Plants and Planets focused on ideas of cell structure and growth, changing environments and biotopes, from the local to other continents and distant planets allowing for a reverie of texture, colour and form including carnivorous plants and the far side of the moon.
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Lines of light/ Red, Brown, Blue



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