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Only Happy Round the Edges

By  Muna Zuberi 2013
Only Happy Round the Edges - stained glass mosaic panel. Recycled stained glass mosaic mounted on toughened glass This piece is based on the Happiness and Wellbeing data published following a survey carried out by the government. The range of data available at the time of making (2013) was 2006 - 2010. The map shows the 2006 figures in colour coded form. The figures for 2010 are overlaid on a second layer of glass - showing the changes in the data. Red/orange is unhappy - yellow, neutral and green is happy. I decided to call it 'Only Happy Round the Edges'. This is almost true - the only place in central London that got happier over the years of the survey was the City of London - go figure, eh??
O8dkd1r5q0me7ndj8ibczq Muna Zuberi

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