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Orange Slice

Bridget Kennedy

What happens when an invisible boundary meets a visible one? Marking the journey of a contour-line as it passes through dry-stone walls. In our effort to understand this world we (the human race) have conquered, named, measured, mapped, and stuck a flag in almost every corner of the earth. Some of these activities have had visible consequences within the landscape, others are more elusive. Walls exist because of land use or land ownership, they have come about through desire or need, they have a history. Contour lines are empirical evidence; they just are, on one side it is above 270m and on the other it is below. In this temporary site specific work Bridget Kennedy attempted to make the invisible visible by tracking the route of a contour line and marking where it crossed a dry stone wall in its path. The site (just outside of Nenthead in Cumbria) is on Nunnery Hill and the C2C route passes alongside it.

Bridget Kennedy

Bridget Kennedy

Bridget Kennedy

75928 Bridget Kennedy

Scientific Stranger exhibition

The Sea within me

The Azimuth of Graphite

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