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Passages Six

By  Susan Banks 2020

60 x 60 x 4.5

As we with live with uncertainty the threshold is a physical and metaphorical sign of the transition from known to unknown. It is the point of departure and passage to both new possibilities and states beyond out control. Passages Six plays with uncertainty and inconstancy, suggesting that these indistinct states can be rewarding. It is sixth in a series that refers to the liminal space of symbolic archways and thresholds. It hints at the colonnades and gardens of Roman villas and the teasing perspectives of Roman painting. Oil on deep canvas

Susan Banks

Susan Banks

Susan Banks

prettier-ignore-start Kfx5ikpxzuierpnrts0rla prettier-ignore-end Susan Banks

Gadfly Minus Three

Pasiphaë Seven

Clytemnestra Eight

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