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“Pebble Pigment Box “.

By  Tim Pugh 2023
The photograph documents a pebble and grid pigment colour box artwork that sets out the industrial pebbles I use in my beach practice.The pebbles are scratched into the rock surface and then rubbed in or mixed with water and painted on using a fine brush.The pebbles are reminders of the former use of the beach hosting a coal mine that used to extract coal from underneath the seabed many years ago.The rounded pebbles are coal industry remnants from slag heap cliffs that cascade onto the beach .The pebbles comprise of waste products including coal,limestone and different grades of sandstone which provides the vivid tones and colours.The pebbles are frequently refreshed from harvesting the tideline for new products.
1dxhx00jf0snyke0cgvzza Tim Pugh

"Frond Clusters"

Plastic Foodchain DesignSheet.

"Pebble Scratch Boulder"

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