Phoenix City 2021 (Reprise)
Duncan Whitley
Phoenix City 2021 (Reprise) is an adaptation of Phoenix City 2021, reconfigured from the 24-minute gallery work. The piece features a complete rework of the original soundtrack by Abul Mogard, featuring adaptations from Mozart’s Requiem.
In 2017 Coventry was announced to follow Hull as the next UK City of Culture. The announcement prompted the green light on a number of city centre developments in Coventry, including a new train station, swimming pool and a revamped shopping precinct, with plans for a Very Light Rail system advancing in the background.
Phoenix City 2021 (Reprise) examines the UK City of Culture award’s ‘city arisen from the ashes’ narrative in a journey through decaying modernist architecture, burning architectural models, gleaming student accommodation high-rises.
Technical Details:
Title: Phoenix City 2021 (Reprise)
Duration: 16 mins 04 secs
Date of production: 2021
Format: HD video 1920 x 1080, 2-channel stereo audio.
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