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'Quizzing Glass' by Delta Streete - performed by Delta Streete and Angela Kennedy

By  Angela Kennedy 1991 - 1992

BBC 2 'Out of of Heads' programme north east

A work devised and created by artist Delta Streete. Delta describes her work as a 'Performance Art and Spoken Word piece exploring influences of 18th Century global developments in race and privilege on representations of women in popular media'. (Angela was asked to collaborate on the movement aspect for the piece).

BBC 2 'Out of our Heads' programme

BBC 2 'Out of our heads' programme

BBC 2 'Out of our Heads' Programme

BBC 2 'Out of our Heads' programme

prettier-ignore-start Imaginary Journey 2 Nov 2023 1714151616 prettier-ignore-end Angela Kennedy

Offering from the nest - Performance

Tree stump plus

Performance poetry

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