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Rauschenberg's Muse

By  Tumim Prendergast 2011 - 2012

Chris Prendergast

Rauschenberg's Muse is a painted gesture made on a table cloth and broken up into circular segments. The paint mark has been replaced or embellished with embroidery in many areas. It is intentionally abstract but is primarily concerned with the act and the tradition of painting in contrast with the act and the tradition of embroidery. The gender politics of both disciplines inspired this crossover artwork.

Chris Prendergast

Chris Prendergast

Chris Prendergast

Chris Prendergast

Jub8h4zpaeyv9mmkc2hyua Tumim Prendergast

No.5 Euphoria Mews - Surreal Estate

In the Gooseberry Patch

Euphoria Mews -series 2

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