Red Line

- Printmaking
- Writing and Text-Based Art
- Mixed Media
- Spiritual & Philosophical
- Personal Narratives & Identity
- Abstract & Conceptual
9 x 12 mm
This piece is constructed of various white and off white textiles, layered together. Included are printed and stitched text, partly on layered papers. Hand stitch elements, including French Knots, as well as machine stitch, counter the sense of fragmentation. Strong, curved linear threads and punctuating stitched dots, including a single, lone, red one, 'hold' the image together, suggesting the moral fibre needed in difficult, challenging parts of life. The words, 'isolation' and 'you broke my heart', as well as the French Knots and trailing threads suggest loss and/or loneliness within suffering. At the same time there is an overall sense of strength and the power to see a 'good/right' way through.