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Remembrance Poppy 3 (Paratroopers)

By  Fiona Jappy 2018
Acrylic, pen and pencil on plywood panel 14.1 x 9 cm The text written on this painting has been transcribed from a letter sent from a serviceman to his sweetheart during WW2. The size of the artwork corresponds to the size of silk postcards - embroidered postcards which became popular for military servicemen to send back to loved ones from the Western Front in WW1.
prettier-ignore-start Kh9z6k4yjko2r1nfda4ezw prettier-ignore-end Fiona Jappy

Trawlers' Travels: They came to Lowestoft to take over Sparrow's Nest

Men from the main fishing ports of Milford Haven, Fleetwood, Grimsby, Hull and Aberdeen now flocked to the nest.

Sailor, RNPS (Portrait 7)

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