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Reverse of Passion Spilt

By  Sandy Sykes 2011

Colin Mills

100 cm x 82 cm approx

This the reverse view of the print 'Passion Spilt' indicating the hidden depths reflected and hinted at in the front surface. As a hanging the two sides contradict each other and stand as metaphore for the tensions indicated in the general text. One of the first finished prints from a series of ten unique hand burnished woodcuts with mixed media started April 2011, ‘Passion Spilt uses text from the novel Madam Bovery, written in 1856 by Gustave Flaubert. A study of the restraints placed on women in former centuries the text ‘Passion has been spilt everywhere’ is printed from a set of tiny metal letter punches, which my dad had used to label parts of diesel engines when fitting them in coalmines, dark and condensed places. Hidden patterns lived in confined domestic spaces were repeated beyond endurance, claustrophobia leading to explosive rebellion with the inevitable volcanic and ricochet effect. On transparent Indian hand made paper reflecting the fragility of life, imagery bleeds through from both front and back of the works. Collaged heads lie uneasily on the multi-layered, slowly moving surface, inviting quiet contemplation.
S S Sandy Sykes

Shooting History

String of Pearls

Margin: Hand

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