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Silke Dettmers

180cm x 320cm x 180cm

'Richter' is made from various types of reclaimed wood, such as skirting boards, old furniture, garden fencing, etc. It is constructed in ways that are similar to building a large jigsaw puzzle: pieces of wood are slotted together, or simply rest on top of each other, one part holding up another. Sited amidst the unstable rickety arrangement of 'Richter' are six miniature habitations - each illuminated with a small, dim light - which are furnished with meticulously crafted model chairs, beds and ladders. These places of living are uninhabited, abandoned, adrift, as if they are tiny rafts in the sea of raw wood that surrounds them.

Silke Dettmers

Silke Dettmers

Silke Dettmers

prettier-ignore-start K5utzfpceeuiuwvfm5pfg prettier-ignore-end Silke Dettmers


Repetitive Form #2

Mirror, Mirror (part 2)

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