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Rose Pink Caught a Dark Salmon

By  L C Persson 2012 - 2014
This piece takes its starting point with an animated folding of an A4 paper. I’ve researched the standardization of the A4 format; surface, history & usage and this was filmed in 16mm using LEE colour filters with particular descriptions such as Dark Salmon. The paper shifts between colours & shapes into an animation of movement. Transferred back to digital & printed out as an A4 image again, the ‘fold’ is placed within an installation between two moving image works made from the same source of content, these also filmed on 16mm and transferred to digital, all whilst a male voice with a speech impediment tells a story narrated through the filter colour definitions.
prettier-ignore-start Linda Photography headshot portrait London artist portrait Linda 5 1714144055 prettier-ignore-end L C Persson

The Volcano Dances


SiO2.nH2O (black opal)

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