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Saga (Tamaran)

Individual works produced for Saga (Tamaran) show, El Castillo, Santa Brigida, Gran Canaria - 2-5 March 2016 Zanne Andrea/David Blandy & Larry Achiampong/Yvonne Buchheim/Julian Claxton/Martyn Cross/ChrisKim Fordwoh's/Helen Grant/James Hutchinson/Harry Meadley/Mark Samsworth Arriving in the night, a group of UK based artists explore themes of disturbance, dislocation and dissonance on the ancient island of Tamaran in the mid Atlantic. Informed by Guanche culture and in observance of Acoran, Chaxiraxi, Chijoraji and Magec, our contemporary Faykans present film, object and image in a miniature Bond Villain's lair..

Blue Rider - watercolour on paper

El Castillo - installation detail

El Castillo, installation detail

A6 B4 B034 F8 B5 444 B 852 A 3 F4 F9 E971 F7 C 1724062981 Julian Claxton

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