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Salt Garden(icon)

Benjamin Tswana

The final piece I made during Thupelo 2012 in Johannesburg, outside the Bag Factory artists' studios. I used street sweeping brooms and salt solution tinted with washing blue or tumeric(the Fordsburg area is the rag trade and predominantly Asian). In the heat the thin layers of salt crystals formed quickly and I was able to refresh with another layer to build up a thin formation, which came to resemble an aerial landscape. I wanted get away from small figuratively based work and use non fine art materials-I did refer to an existing image-a stencil self portrait by another Thupelo artist Dathini Mzayiya. On the fourth day the rains came and washed it all away.

Victoria Malcolm

Victoria Malcolm

Victoria Malcolm

Benjamin Tswana

V M Victoria Malcolm


360º Northwest: Summer rains, Teifi Valley

Dame Clare

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