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Shimmer Effect

By  Claire Barber 2024

Lucy Forrester

330 x 150 x 200cm

‘Shimmer Effect’ explores the role of memory in my creative practice through a meticulous attention to the surfaces of a hand knitted jumper and the lining of a dome tent. Through the insertion of delicate pins and the creation of a warp-like structure I have attempted to consider what I may learn from these objects. As natural sunlight shines into the attic space of Salts Mill the installation becomes an analogous landscape in my locality that shimmers with life. I relive the experience back into the objects in an attempt to capture the spirt of what has been remembered.

Lucy Forrester

Lucy Forrester

Lucy Forrester

Lucy Forrester

Lucy Forrester

Lucy Forrester

Mlmd95pfnumnlrtmt1qe7w Claire Barber

The Hunt

Spinning wheels, muffins and hedges in repeat [Hall i' th' Wood]

Outside: Activating cloth to enhance the way we live

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