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Silent Spring

By  Angela Davies 2018

Silent Spring, 2018

Interactive Kinetic Sculpture, 100 x 100 x 60 cm  

Birds have a long history of being placed in the front line for human endeavour, a familiar example may be a canary in the mine. Within this work this idea has been expanded in scale. Engaging ideas of bio-mimicry, the work considers our desire to understand and recreate the functions of living systems. My motivation was an attempt to emulate a familiar experience, and to slow it down, arresting time as a form of meditation on the natural world. Through this slow gaze the work seeks to question our place within the balance of ecological structures.

 The piece was developed during a residency at Bangor University working alongside a scientist to explore the challenges faced by wild birds living amongst our growing human populations and facing the direct and indirect effects of the Anthropocene

Supported by, ESRC at Bangor University, Bangor Science Festival, Arts Council of Wales, Pervasive Media Studio, Balance UnBalance.

With special thanks to Balance UnBalance (2018) for showing this work as part of New Value Systems. Thank you to V2-Lab for the Unstable Media and The Patching Zone.

Photo © Andrew Gale

Video © Angela Davies

Er4tu0kgeijrhfsmghzgg Angela Davies

Time Traced

From a Distance

Spiral of Growth

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