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Small Experiments in Colour

By  Sarah Needham 2017

Small Experiments in Colour No 9


Following on from my 2016 series of works in indigo, I have been experimenting with other pigments which have strong historical and cultural resonance, making a series of works experimenting with colour and the ability to create expansive spaces on a flat surface, which is sometimes very small. I have a small show of these works coming up in the Queens Wood Cafe in Highgate 9-28 June 2017

Small Experiments in Colour No 2, Sarah Needham

Small experiments in colour No 12

prettier-ignore-start Obfmaxlqhe2oyu2kudnw5a prettier-ignore-end Sarah Needham

Space In Between III

Small Experiments in Colour 15-18

She walks into slowly into the Leith without a boatman to guide her swiftly across

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