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something familiar

helen robertson

dimesions approx 165cm x 200cm x 250cm

An off-the-shelf softwood table has been roughly coated white, so that painterly brush marks are visible across its surface; it lies face down alongside a pool of high-gloss black paint film, that reflects the space overhead; in between the table and the paint pouring, a thin sheet of crumpled mirrored melinex, hangs vertically from the ceiling on cotton thread, sensitive to air currents. This work explores ideas of form and informe, depth and surface, object and image, abstract platonic idea and materiality. Each element has multiple reference points that are held in check through opposition and difference.
prettier-ignore-start Helen robertson chroma key 143600 prettier-ignore-end Helen Robertson

room to room

'leaning from the earth towards space' 2016

'ways from here to there' 2015

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