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Super Cup Group D: Results

By  Marc Renshaw 2016
Pundit X: 'There's just something about this competition and Bayerticks! They've never won the Colbreck league, but here, I mean look at the way they turned the ol' Athleticans over in their last game. Aye...I'll be poppin' into the ol' bookies on me way to the official quarter final executive party...' Tranquilayers never really got out of first gear but remained undefeated as they progressed to the knock-out stages. Oxers struggled as they could only grab a point against Tranquilayers in what was the game of the tournament so far finishing two goals each. Meanwhile the demonstrations continue down in the exclusive Tranquilayers harbour area. Universo Collunteen supporters have remained in the city despite being dumped out during the qualifying stages. Universo supporters group leader: 'Big business dominates this tournament. Who are funding all this? We've had enough of all the covert suppression. I mean, Pointeso go out of the tournament but get 55% of the profits, and as for those Tranquilayers executives and PR agents...'
prettier-ignore-start Ssnqdtb8n0odh7try8byw prettier-ignore-end Marc Renshaw

Well I hope that is fine with me

europarc project: 23.02.20

Europarc Project - 21.02.20

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