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Temple of the Subliminaut

Stephen Felmingham

90cm x 120cm

Temple of the Subliminaut is one of a series of drawings of imaginary spaces referring to places in mythical time where there is a possibility of a visionary event or view into another world. These regions are terra incognita to be traversed and explored, revealing their topographies, fictions and signs through the practice of drawing. The image is allowed to develop out of the dense field of charcoal, like a photograph revealing itself in a darkroom. I think of these drawings as 'internal' photographs or maps of the psyche, arising from the layers of charcoal dust. 'A man who walks on his head sees the sky below, as an abyss' Paul Celan,The Meridian Drawing selected for the Jerwood Drawing Prize, 2009 and the Celeste Prize 2010, New York
Np83iscgmeazdknvsnx2mg Stephen Felmingham


Untitled (Falling Fitter, Fencer, Backfire, Moss)

Untitled (Peripheral Artifact #14)

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