“TERATOÏD, agissements en conséquence"
Pascal-Michel Dubois
- Painting
- Drawing and Illustration
- Personal Narratives & Identity
- Abstract & Conceptual
- physicality
- Embodiment
- Body
“TERATOÏD” (gr: Teratoïd, “resembling a monster”) is an ongoing series of scaled-up ball pen drawings on paper, half figurative, half abstract. The doodles have been “re-done” and re-interpreted with pencil & acrylic paint applied by using bespoke paint dispensers. With these “monumental” versions, I am trying to engage the viewer into having a more physical experience of the particular details & structures of the doodles… Words & sentences are associated with the drawings and act as some kind of title.
Doodling often emerges during times when our minds roam freely and from where other things can be imagined or inspired.