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Yelena Popova

18cm x 4cm x 0.05cm

Edition of 10 (+5 APs) Available from Shop Contemporary Nottingham Contemporary £20 Thankyou, was commissioned for The Bookmark Project at The Study, Nottingham Contemporary. Re-appropriating the text found on a restaurant tip-tray, the bookmarks are placed within three different books. The page and chapter where the bookmark is placed contributes towards the reading of the work. The Revolution of Everyday Life; We have a world of pleasure to win and nothing to lose but boredom; p3 The Decline and Fall of work, by Raoul Vaneigem; Globalization and its discontents - essays on the new mobility of people and money, p135 Bad Service, Saskia Sassen; and One Dimensional Man, p3 The New Forms Of Control, Herbert Marcuse, all comment on the relationship between people and work, boredom and repetition, economics and politics.
Qhslnu4cfkwb6mgatgkupq Candice Jacobs




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